About Community Development Partners, LLC
Community Development Partners, LLC is not an ordinary business; we are a team of professionals dedicated to providing exceptional services to address the needs of your growing community.
With our knowledge and experience, we partner with communities to deliver services that meet public demands in today's challenging financial climate.

Our Expertise
Community Development Partners, LLC has extensive experience in managing all aspects of community development programs.
We have a profound understanding of the regulations that govern these programs, including the Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG), State Revolving Loan Fund, Local Parks and Recreation Fund, Tennessee Department of Transportation, and Rural Development Administration Programs.
Our team is responsible for rating and ranking CDBG applications, providing technical assistance to small cities receiving CDBG funds, monitoring regulations, and assisting with application preparation and grant administration.
In addition, we offer technical assistance and project representation to elected officials, administration and engineering firms, and various development districts throughout Tennessee.
Our team possesses comprehensive knowledge of state and federal requirements, including but not limited to, fair housing, labor standards, and environmental review.
Our Achievements
Our team has assisted in the development and implementation of various projects, obtained Local Government Guidelines Certification, Right-of-Way Certification, and Construction Engineering Inspection training certificate.
We are responsible for application preparation, project management, financial management, and local program compliance.
Community Development Partners, LLC is well-versed in Local Parks and Recreation Fund Program guidelines, requirements, and procedures. We are responsible for financial management, project management, and grant compliance.
Moreover, our team has extensive experience with the implementation of Rural Development and State Revolving Loan Fund projects. We are responsible for preliminary funding agency inquiry, application preparation, loan package preparation, financial management, and project management.